Hinkle M. Latvian-Americans in the Post-Soviet Era: Cultural Factors on Return Migration in Oral History Interviews. In: Journal of Baltic Studies, Volume XXXVII, Number 1, Spring 2006, pp. 48-67.

Hinkle M. Remembering the Past: Latvian-American Memory Slices in Group and Individual Interviews. In: Memory and Narration: Oral History Research in the Northern European Context, Nov. 15 – 17, 2006, Helsinki conference web site. Complete text of article: www.alausa.org under „Culture”.

Hinkle M. Latvian-Americans in the Post-Soviet Era: Cultural Factors on Return Migration in Oral History Interviews. In: Elore, ISSN 1456-3010), Vol. 13 – 1/2006, pp. 1-20.

Hinkle M. Latvians as a Transnational Community: Latvian-American Contributions to Latvian Cultural and Educational Development in Life Story Narratives. In: AABS: 20th Conference on Baltic Studies, Abstracts, 2006.

Hinkle M. Trimdas vēsture dzīvesstāstos un datubazē 3x3 nometnē Katskiļos. Laikr.: Laiks, (2006, 22. – 28.jūl. Vol. LVII Nr. 30 (5294), lpp. 5.

Hinkle M. American Latvian Association’s Oral History Project ‘Exile Life Narratives’. In: Oral History Sources of Latvia – History, Culture and Society through Life Stories, Riga, 2004 (First Edition), 2005 (Second Edition), pp. 115.-119.

Hinkle M. ALAs Mutvārdu Vēstures programma Amerikas Latviešu skolām. ALA, 2005.

Hinkle M. Man ir liels prieks, ka mani bērni runā latviski - latviskā identitāte un attiecības ar Latviju Amerikas latviešu dzīvesstāstos. Laikr.: Laiks. (2004) Oct, 2 – Nov. 20.

Hinkle M. ALA Oral History Project. In: Latvian Dimensions. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004., pp. 20.-25.